The Town of Smiths Falls is announcing the opening of the fall intake for the activated financial incentive programs under the Community Improvement Program for 2024.
The Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was created to help improve accessibility, create attainable (affordable) rental units, create opportunities to redevelop possibly contaminated properties and improve the commercial building stock in the Downtown. Benefits include enhanced streetscapes and building façades, promoting revitalization and place-making to attract tourism, and encouraging the effective use of community infrastructure.
The CIP helps eligible property owners, business owners and tenants by providing funding that may reduce the cost constraints for certain eligible works.
Downtown Businesses or property owners looking to do façade and building improvements, signage improvements, etc. are encouraged to apply for the fall intake or start planning for 2025 projects to be ready to submit applications early next year. All individuals interested in making an application must schedule a pre-consultation with planning staff to begin their application. The deadline for intake is August 31, 2024.
For more information on the Community Improvement Plan, including a list of available programs, visit: www.smithsfalls.ca/cip. To schedule a pre-consultation meeting, please reach out to Planning Clerk Marie Elmsley at 613-283-4124 ext.1136 or melmsley@smithsfalls.ca.
Media Contact
Joanne Plontz
Communications Coordinator
77 Beckwith Street N, Box 695
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 2B8
613-283-4124 ext. 1122
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