Land use planning helps the Town grow and develop in a way that is sustainable and desirable for the community. Planning is a part of almost every aspect of life in Smiths Falls. Land use planning helps: decide where homes and business can be built, suggest good locations for parks, schools and nursing homes; and, define where other important services such as roads and sewers should be placed.
The planning process is directed by the province under the Planning Act. The process is a system that is open, accessible and accountable. All applications submitted to Building Services must comply to by-laws and other rules established by the Town under the Planning Act. We recommend you speak to a Planner before starting any development to identify any planning approvals that may be needed for the project.
Planning is responsible for both short term and long range planning within the Town including the application processing for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, Plans of Subdivision, Site Plan Control and more. Planning staff also manage the Town’s Community Improvement Plan and Municipal Heritage under the Ontario Heritage Act.
Contact Us
Karl Grenke
Manager of Development Services
77 Beckwith Street North
Smiths Falls ON K7A 2B8
Karl Grenke 613-283-4124 x 1116