The Town has begun work on its new Official Plan, which will set the stage for planning the growth and evolution of our community for the next 25 years. The Official Plan will determine where the Town focuses key initiatives such as new housing developments, business parks, road, water and sewer infrastructure, trails, bike lanes, parks, and community centres. As a part of this project, the Town is also undertaking its first Transportation Master Plan.
“The Town has changed a lot since Council adopted the current Official Plan in 2014. With over 700 new residential units approved since 2019 and a very different employment base, Council wants to ensure that we are planning for a high quality of life for all of our residents, and we can plan ahead for where future growth is going to occur, what it will look like and how it will be serviced”, stated Mayor Shawn Pankow.
The Town is hosting a World Café format open house session on October 10, 2024, from 5 PM – 7 PM upstairs at the Youth Arena. The Open House will be focused on five key themes (transportation, downtown revitalization, housing needs, community places and spaces, and sustainability) that Council has identified and will give residents the opportunity to provide input to staff and consultants.
The Town has retained Dillon Consulting Limited to conduct this project. Dillon Consulting is no stranger to the Town of Smiths Falls having completed the Land Needs Study, the Community Improvement Plan, and helped to re-write the Property Standards and Yard By-laws.
“The first open house will set the direction for what the Official Plan will look at. Holding discussions centred around these themes will help staff, Council and the consultant team focus on made-in-Smiths Falls approach and solutions to topics that are so important in our community. We really look forward to exploring this,” added Karl Grenke, Manager of Development Services.
Official Plan updates can be found on the project page of the Town’s website. For further information on the October open house, please contact Marie Elmsley at melmsley@smithsfalls.ca.
Included photo: Open House Invitation – October 10, 2024
Media Contact
Joanne Plontz
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
77 Beckwith Street N, Box 695
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 2B8
613-283-4124 ext. 1122
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