July 21, 2023
Town Square Grand Opening
Smiths Falls, ON – The Town of Smiths Falls is pleased to invite members of the community to the official Grand Opening of the Town Square located at 77 Beckwith St. N, on Friday, July 28th, 2023 at 11:30 AM.
This brand-new community space was fully funded by a combination of the Canada Community Revitalization Fund, the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program and by a donation from the Foulkes family. This project was further made possible by contributions from Rideau Environment Action League who did the depaving work to remove the former section of Daniel Street and created the two butterfly gardens, labour contributions from the Saumure Group and materials contributions from Rideau Home Building Centre.
“We are thrilled to be able to welcome the community into this new space and celebrate this incredible milestone,” said Mayor Shawn Pankow. “From the bandstand donated by the Foulkes Family, to the creation of the the butterfly gardens by REAL, to the pebble mosaic created by ReDefine Arts and community partners, to the excellent workmanship by the Saumure Group on the bandstand and the materials donated by Rideau Home Building Centre, this project is a physical symbol of how a community can come together to collaborate and create something that matters to all of us”.
The Town Square hosts a fully accessible bandstand, park benches, greenery, paved paths and is home to the six-foot diameter, pebble mosaic monument created by ReDefine Arts in collaboration with Lanark County Interval House & Community Support, local organizations and Smiths Falls residents to honour those affected by domestic violence.
The Grand Opening ceremony will take place from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM and will include speeches, official ribbon cutting by Council and dignitaries, musical entertainment by Ambre McLean, a special performance from Station Theatre OZ production, face painting, clowning as well as light refreshments.
Come out and celebrate your new community space!
Media Contact
Esther Njuguna
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
613-283-4124 ext. 1137
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