Construction Notice
The Town of Smiths Falls awarded Tender 23-PW-007 for the Milling of Asphalt, Grading, Hot Mix Paving and Miscellaneous Concrete & Rehabilitation to Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited. Construction will be taking place between August 8th and September 30th, 2023.
Work will be taking place on the following streets:
William Street East from William Street to Sussex Street.
Existing sidewalk is to be realigned to the inside of the railway barrier on the south side of William Street East. New sidewalk and curb to extend from 103 William East to Sussex Street intersection prior to the existing spur line found between VIA Tracks and Sussex Street. There will be single lane traffic access to the area.
Chambers Street from Running Avenue to Rideau Avenue North and Rideau Avenue North from Chambers Street to Dufferin Street.
The existing asphalt will be removed and replaced as well as sidewalk will be upgraded in the area. The roadway will be closed for works and a detour will be in place to facilitate the work.
Chambers Street from Running Avenue to Chambers Street Dead End
The Chambers Street granular roadway will be upgraded with asphalt. This is a joint venture with Lanark County Housing. The area will be accessible to local traffic.
Alfred Street (Lombard Street to Abbott Street)
Alfred Street asphalt will be removed and replaced with Granular A and asphalt. A new sidewalk and isolated curb will be installed. The roadway will be closed, and local traffic will have access to driveways.
Jasper Avenue from Broadview Street East to Vincent Street.
Jasper Avenue isolated sidewalk repairs will occur and milling of 40mm of asphalt surface will be replaced. Traffic control will be single lane closures and the roadway will be accessible to traffic/residents.
Market Street from Russell Street East to Elmsley Street North
Market Street isolated sidewalk works will occur and milling of 40mm of asphalt surface will be replaced. Traffic control will be single lane closures and the roadway will be accessible to traffic.
Russell Street East from Elmsley Street North to Beckwith Street North.
Russell Street East isolated curb works will occur and milling of 40mm of asphalt surface will be replaced. Traffic control will be single lane closures and the roadway will be accessible to traffic.
Please expect delays and plan routes accordingly. We thank you for your patient as we complete these road improvements. Should you have questions or concerns relating to the construction project please contact Vanessa Bernicky, Project Administrator, at 613-283-4124 ext. 1147.
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