Pedestrian Foot Path Banner Image

The Town of Smiths Falls is engaging residents to participate in a brief online questionnaire to determine the usage of the pedestrian foot path that is located directly underneath the Canadian Pacific Rail tracks that joins Victoria Ave and Anne St.

Town staff have been in communication with Canadian Pacific Railway, the owner of the subway, to discuss the concerns brought forward by residents within the community about its condition and how to improve the passageway in the future. Once the data from the questionnaire is collected, further conversations with CP Rail will continue regarding next steps.

To compete the survey go to

The survey will be open for feedback until Sunday, August 11th.







Media Contact

Joanne Plontz

Communications and Marketing Coordinator

77 Beckwith Street N, Box 695

Smiths Falls, ON K7A 2B8

613-283-4124 ext. 1122


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