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WHEREAS the REDress Project was created by Jaime Black as a public art installation in response to the missing and murdered Indigenous women; 

AND WHEREAS the REDress Project began in 2010 and commemorates missing and murdered Indigenous women from the First Nations, Inuit, Metis and Native American Communities by hanging empty red dresses in a range of environments; 
AND WHEREAS the colour red signifies the colour the spirits can see. The colour red is calling back the spirits of the those missing and allows them a chance to be among us and have their voices heard; 
AND WHEREAS May 5th is the National Day of Awareness and honours Canada's Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit people (MMIWG2S); 
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I, Shawn Pankow, Mayor of the Town of Smiths Falls declare May 5, 2024, as Red Dress Day in the Town of Smiths Falls and encourage all citizens to take a moment and reflect on the missing Indigenous women and girls and those who are no longer with us. 

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