A variety of committees and boards offer input and advice to Council.

The Town of Smiths Falls recognizes the depth, knowledge, capabilities and enthusiasm of our community members. As such, the Town has established committees to advise staff and council and help us in delivering services and projects that serve the community.

Committees of Council/Advisory Boards

Code of Conduct

The Corporation of the Town of Smiths Falls is committed to achieving the highest quality of municipal administration and governance by encouraging high standards of conduct on the part of all elected officials and members of its Boards and Committees. A Code of Conduct aims to ensure public trust and confidence in the Municipality's decision making and operations. The public should expect the highest standards of conduct from the members they elect to local government, as well as members serving on Boards and Committees. In turn, adherence to these standards will protect and maintain the Municipality's reputation and the integrity of its decision-making process.

How to Become a Committee/Advisory Board Member?

Advisory Boards and Committees provide Council and staff with input about a wide variety of subjects through discussions, presentations and recommendations. 

Are you interested in providing citizen input into the strategic direction setting of our community?  If so, you should consider joining a Committee or Board for the Town of Smiths Falls. Residents and taxpayers are invited to serve on a variety of Advisory Committees and local Boards.

Before applying, please read The Policy Respecting the Appointment of Members Town of Smiths Falls Boards and Committees

Applications can be submitted throughout the term of Council.

Positions Currently Available:

Smiths Falls For All Committee: Vacancies:  2 Youth

Municipal Heritage Committee: Vacancies: 1 citizen member / 2 Youth

Climate Protection Working Group: Vacancies:  2 Youth

Public Arts Advisory Committee: Vacancies:  1 citizen member

Heritage House Museum Advisory Board: 4 Vacancies

Planning Advisory Committee: Vacancies: 1 citizen member

Accessibility Advisory Committee: Vacancies: 1 citizen member

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