The Town of Smiths Falls recognizes and honours the achievements and contributions of community volunteers. These awards express the Town's appreciation of the many individuals and community groups who work to enhance the quality of life in Smiths Falls.
The nomination will open on April 19, 2023 and will close are on Friday May 5, 2023 at 4:00 P.M. The fillable Nomination form can be accessed online at or printed copies may be picked up at the Town Hall reception, as well as the Memorial Community Center office. Printed nominations forms can be dropped off at the front reception desk, or placed into the black box outside of the main entrance of Town Hall.
The awards will be presented at the awards ceremony on Thursday, May 18, 2023.
Nominations are accepted for the following award categories:
Brooke & Brittany Henderson Award for Youth
This award recognizes a community youth volunteer who exemplifies Brooke and Brittany's tremendous commitment, dedication and work ethic to enrich our community and make Smiths Falls a better place to be.
Charles Gilhuly Award
This award recognizes a person much like Mr. Gilhuly, who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes for nothing more than the self-satisfaction of enhancing the quality of life in Smiths Falls.
Good Neighbour Award
Awarded to Smiths Falls residents for their outstanding effort or action to help a fellow citizen in a time of need. A maximum of three individuals may be awarded each year.
Municipal Volunteer Award
This award recognizes a volunteer who has given their time and assisted in creating change through service on one or many municipal boards or committees. One award is given annually.
*NOTE: The Town of Smiths Falls may not present awards in all categories. The Volunteer Awards Committee reserves the right to consider any nomination for other awards, if deemed appropriate.
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